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Kalkstein Blaufränkisch


excellent value, juicy red wine well worth a place in your fridge for weekday dinners! Perfect with most foods and drinkable by itself too - this is great value bottle.

Kieselstein Zweigelt


Very similar to the entry level Puszta Libre. Blackcurrant, vanilla, baked apple and an acidic twang on the finish. Super fresh and juicy. We love this served chilled.

Puszta Libre


This is a Beaujolais-style Austrian red made using Zweigelt and Sankt Laurent from master producer Claus Preisinger, which you should definitely drink chilled! So easy going you can glug it down from the bottle... and sometimes we do! So smooth. So juicy. Fruity with a touch more minerality, whilst still being fantastic glouglou. Puszta Libre 2022 has really exceptional value!